Equinix, a provider of global data centre services, said that it plans to open the first phase of Amsterdam International Business Exchange data centre, with an investment of $40m and provision for 480 cabinet equivalents, on May 1, 2010.

According to Equinix, the second phase is expected to complete in the third quarter of 2010 with an expected provision of additional 520 cabinets equivalents. A third phase, to be timed to meet market demand, will further provide 500 cabinet equivalents.

Equinix’s investment into the purpose-built AM2 IBX data centre represents the company’s fourth facility in The Netherlands, including two IBX data centres located in Enschede and Zwolle, which is part of the company’s $2bn investment to expand operations between 2007 and 2010.

The company said that the AM2 IBX data centre will meet the demand from global and local network service providers, digital content providers, financial services firms, and enterprises operating in the Dutch capital while leveraging on Equinix data centre services. Once the build is complete, the AM2 IBX data centre will have capacity for 1,500 cabinet equivalents.

According to Equinix, the AM2 IBX data centre will build upon the range of premium data centre services provided at AM1, including co-location, interconnection and peering, direct cross-connects between more than 25 networks, and access to AMS-IX, a single metro area internet exchange.

Michiel Eielts, general manager at Equinix Netherlands, said: “Amsterdam is a key location, not just for Dutch businesses, but for many regional and global service providers and enterprises that are eager to increase business operations in this important market.

“Since opening our AM1 IBX data centre in 2008, we have seen a steady increase in demand from both local and international organisations, and we are very excited to meet their on-going requirements for premium, well-connected, data centre services.”