Microsoft Corp, Intel Corp and Compaq Computer Corp are set to reveal details of their proposed Virtual Interface Architecture specification today, in an effort to define a generic system area network layer on which to base different clustering and interconnection schemes. The draft VIA specification has been widely discussed among interested industry companies, and was mentioned in several of the technical sessions at Compaq’s Innovate Forum held last week in Houston, Texas. Because IP stacks are now very complex, some 80% of throughput is soaked up in the 30 or so processor steps it takes to get from client application to the server network. The VIA specification aims to circumvent the software block and high latency levels now represented by the IP communications stack with a simplified, more direct memory mapped interface. Once expected to be an Intel-only affair, the specification now appears likely to be made available to RISC vendors as well. Other supporters are thought to include Tandem Computers Inc – which has its own ServerNet systems area network technology – Novell Inc, Informix Corp and Oracle Corp. Compaq says it plans to have eight-way systems compliant with the specifications by the second half of the year, and has been working with application software houses such as PeopleSoft Inc, SAP AG and Baan NV on applications compliance.