The editors of the Microprocessor Report have examined the patents at issue in the DEC and Cyrix Corp suits against Intel Corp and delivered an opinion: While we can find nothing that would guarantee a particular verdict, they write, there are in the Cyrix patents and a few of the Digital patents, some specific issues that are certainly arguable. Both cases, however, will probably take years to resolve in the court and will be difficult to prove. They are also of the opinion that unless DEC has another, stronger patent card to play, the patents it’s asserted so far – none of which are fundamental – are likely to have little effect on Merced’s schedule or performance. DEC of course has told all and sundry that Merced, which is expected to exceed the fastest Alpha processor, is the real target. The newsletter figures Intel is likely to settle out-of-court rather than trust a non-technical jury and the emotional appeal of being branded a monopolist. Whether that means money is anybody’s guess.