RM Plc wants to cash in on the UK government’s new commitment to Information Technology in schools, but it isn’t going to happen overnight. An independent report commissioned by the Labor Party has stressed the urgent need for teachers and pupils to increase their knowledge of technology. But the emphasis must be on high quality, curriculum relevant products which can easily be implemented alongside school’s existing computer resources, the report says. RM Plc, based in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, is ideally placed to benefit from this, being one of the leading suppliers of computer based technology to educational establishments. It takes industry standard products such as high end personal computers and makes them robust enough to survive in a school environment. RM has just reported net profits for the six months to 31 March up 27.3% at 1.1m pounds on revenues that rose 8.4% to 49.0m pounds. The group’s hardware business saw revenues fall by 4% despite a 12% increase in the volume of PC’s shipped. The company blames a worldwide decline in PC unit prices and has responded by shifting its emphasis towards the higher margin areas of software and services. Gross margins climbed two points to 24.4%. Cash remains strong with 2.7m pounds being generated from operating activities in the period. The board has recommended an interim dividend of 2.3 pence per share, up 27.8% on last year, reflecting confidence in continued growth.