Bay Networks Inc has announced two RMON2 standards-compliant network management tools: the PocketProbe standalone device and Optivity Analysis 7.2 management application. The PocketProbe complies with Internet Engineering Task Force’s RMON2 standards – RFC 2021 and 2074) – announced in March, 1997. It will cost $1,500 per port. Optivity Analysis 7.2 extends monitoring and reporting functionality to network and application layer traffic. The network management application is optimized for use with standards-compliant RMON2 agents, says Bay. Hot links triggered within the application enable network managers to isolate, diagnose and correct problems before they affect network operation. Filtering mechanisms allow the user to refine the type of information displayed. The PocketProbe device and Optivity Analysis 7.2 application will begin shipping on April 30 costing $1,500 per port and $6,000 respectively. Existing Optivity and StackProbe customers with service contracts will be able to download the RMON2 upgrade free of charge via the World Wide Web.