Intel Corp’s new version of its input-output processor variant of the 80960 RISC aimed at builders of Pentium Pro-based servers, the 80960RD, which conforms to the I2O software standard backed by Intel, Microsoft Corp and Novell Inc (CI No 3,092), is in 0.6 micron CMOS, doubling the clock speed to 66MHz over the 80960RP, and dissipating 40% less power. It is claimed to reduce the number of system interrupts tenfold, and includes a PCIto-PCI bridge, messaging unit, two address translation units, an integrated memory controller, input-output advanced programmable interrupt controller bus interface unit and 4Kb two-way associative instruction cache, 2Kb direct mapped data cache and 1Kb of on-chip random access memory; the part costs $80 when you want 10,000 or more.