3Com Corp has extended the VLAN Virtual local area network management capability within its TEM Transcend Enterprise Manager software across all its switching products creating an end-to-end management suite. The TEM VLAN management local area network emulation visualization and management tools were developed for 3Com’s CELLplex Asynchronous Transfer Mode switches, but the latest version extends the software to include LANplex, ONcore and SuperStack II switches and NETBuilder II routers. TEM is available on both Windows and Unix, with new distributed management capabilities via Hewlett Packard Co OpenView 4.1 in the Unix version. This enables better management of larger networks, according to 3Com. The Windows 6.0 version now integrates with HP OpenView for Windows 7.2d offering enhanced distributed management for Windows, including alarm forwarding to a user-specified OpenView console and enhanced SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol support. Additional features of TEM Windows 6.0 on OpenView include the ability to receive a page for alarms and compatibility with any Winsock-compliant TCP/IP stack. The new release is part of 3Com’s three-phase Transcend virtual local area networking strategy which it says will be completed this year. Transcend Enterprise Manager Unix 4.1 is shipping now for $9,500. Transcend Enterprise Manager Windows 6.0 will ship later this month and will cost $3,500.