JetBrains has released the version 1.0 of their new conceptual software development environment, Meta Programming System (MPS).

JetBrains said that MPS is a professional language workbench and integrated development environment (IDE) for existing languages. It is also an instrument to create new custom languages, or Domain Specific Languages (DSL), and allows to define new environments for working with these DSLs.

According to JetBrains, MPS provides facilities for defining language typesystems, constraints, projectional editors and generators to help developers in adapting programming languages to their specific need . Utilising the generative approach, languages in MPS are described on a higher level, after which MPS generates compilable code in other languages, such as Java.

The company said that languages are composable in MPS. It said that languages can be combined with each other, to allow the their reuse.

Sergey Dmitriev, CEO of JetBrains, said: MPS has come a long way since the original concept back in 2003 and is now a powerful, mature software tool that paints the future of software development. We’re already using MPS as a development platform for several of our latest products. One of them, a web-based issue tracker code-named Charisma, is already available for early access preview.

Reportedly, MPS is free for all users, with a major part of its source code open and available under Apache license.