Compaq Computer Corp has added some new additions to its ProLiant family of workstations aimed at web design and development. The company announced the ProLiant web servers and the ProLiant Professional Workstation Web Series at the IT Forum in New York on Tuesday. Aimed at internet service providers and the small to mid-sized corporate business, Compaq believes it is offering a cost-effective and reliable way to for users to design web sites and develop internet applications. It has based the development of the machines around the belief that the development of internet applications will drive the growth of the web. The ProLiant web servers, which are only available in the US at the moment, are based on the company’s ProLiant 850R 6/200H and ProLiant 2500 and run on Windows NT 4.0 using Microsoft Corp’s Internet Information Server 3.0, running on the Pentium Pro 200. Compaq says it has turned to Microsoft as NT continues to gain momentum and Unix losses popularity. The company says the new web servers do away with the guesswork involved in establishing a web site and says the new servers are ideal for use in remote locations, or for enterprise internet or intranet. The ProLiant Professional Workstation Web Series sees the introduction of the professional Workstation 5100, running on a Pentium II processor and runs software from Adobe, Microsoft and NetObjects. The ProLiant 850R 6/200H has also put in an appearance, with the company claiming it is the industry’s first high density rack server to meet the needs of corporate enterprises and ISPs that rely on fault tolerant applications. The new machines come less than a month after the company introduced its first Intel Corp- based high end ProLiant 7000 and 6500 servers (CI No 3,227), and Compaq believes the introduction of these new machines will help it extend its 45% market lead in the internet server market.
