Hot on the heels of the latest release of Compuware Corp’s Uniface application development environment, the company has announced the availability of the Uniface WebEnabler. The product extends the ability to run enterprise scale applications over the web, operating across heterogeneous environments including Windows NT, Unix, VMS, AS/400 and OS/390. Compuware has just given Uniface an extensive re-haul, establishing it as a component-based application assembly environment moving away from its original standing as a 4GL development suite (CI No 3,307). The company is now concentrating on enabling organizations to build on and re-use existing application components, including legacy code that can be integrated into web-based applications. The company claims that being able to build applications in such a way will enable the delivery of high-volume transaction processing applications over the web. Enhancements to WebEnabler include greater security features, support for advanced encryption, authentication and authorization processes, which the company sees as fundamental for electronic commerce. At the beginning of the year the company had to try and boost the standing of Uniface, and this release will undoubtedly be part of its plan to refresh its image. Uniface WebEnabler is available immediately, shipping with Uniface 7.2.