Alcatel-Lucent has signed a five-year agreement with BT for an evolution of its 21st Century Network (21CN), as the UK telecom operator prepares to introduce new video-rich services to an expanded base of wholesale and retail subscribers.

According to Alcatel-Lucent, the project will utilise its High Leverage Network (HLN) architecture and transformational services. It will further evolve BT’s infrastructure, enabling the operator to expedite network convergence, increase capacity and deliver content cost effectively.

In addition, the 21CN will specifically help BT to build up its infrastructure by increasing performance, capacity and bandwidth to a broader customer base and support it in increasing revenues and reduce costs while migrating to new business models, Alcatel Lucent said.

Alcatel-Lucent said that it will provide an end-to-end transport offering which integrates IP and optical transport resources along with services such as project management, design, installation and commissioning, repair and return and software updates that will help BT manage the growth in network traffic, while cutting operational and maintenance costs.

George Nazi, managing director of BT 21CN Core Convergence, said: “21CN is a huge transformational programme. It’s about providing a network for the future which requires a game-changing approach. Alcatel-Lucent came up with an innovative solution that will help us keep 21CN at the forefront of innovation and radical change.”