Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Lotus Development Corp has signed a worldwide joint development agreement with UK firm Staffware Ltd, a division of FCMC Plc, to integrate its client-server workgroup software, Lotus Notes, with Staffware’s workflow automation software. The companies are currently developing a set of application programming interfaces to enable users to share common data and pass messages between the two environments; invoke Notes from Staffware and vice versa; and use Notes as the Staffware workgroup form where required. The application programming interfaces will also support Microsoft Corp’s Dynamic Data Exchange specifications. The two companies will jointly market and support the developers kits via Staffware’s worldwide reseller network and through Lotus’s international sales channels. Application programming interface developers kits will be available for Microsoft Corp Windows, character-based terminals and X Terminals from next month. Windows NT will be supported as a client. Its due next year. Server versions for Unix systems will be released in September.