The RasterOps Wall Division, Santa Clara, California will be showing the first multi-screen display system to display concurrently full-wall video with high-resolution colour graphics, text and animation, via an Apple Macintosh. The Wall comprises an expandable array of monitors or projectors controlled by RasterOps WallBoards, which can display up to 10 live video sources in addition to high-resolution graphics, text and animation. Because the WallBoards reside in the Macintosh, the need for special interfaces to expensive external control units is eliminated. The shape of the Wall is also user-definable. For ease of use, RasterOps has provided a simple user interface, and a collection of ready-to-use WallTemplates a series of HyperCard and Macromedia Director wall presentations using The Wall’s wide array of special effects. As a natural extension of the Macintosh display, The Wall can also run any off-the-shelf software, including popular authoring, presentation and graphics software, the company says. It is a complete, Macintosh-ready system including non-interlaced, flicker-free 31.5KHz displays. The RasterOps WallBoard is a 16-bit per pixel, 1162 by 864 Macintosh II NuBus board, with four NTSC, PAL, S-video inputs. Cabling and modular WallStands are also included in the package which will be available in September. The company gave no prices.