Borland International Inc is now shipping version 3.3 of the InterBase relational database server, and that Paradox SQL Link for InterBase, which uses SQL to provide secure, transparent access from Paradox 4.0 to data residing on the InterBase Server, is scheduled for shipment by the end of the month: the company claims that the combination provides the first client-server connection between the InterBase Server and Borland’s suite of desktop applications development tools; InterBase 3.3 also includes a new client interface for the personal computer with Borland C and C++ language support for embedded and dynamic SQL; MS-DOS and Windows requesters supporting TCP/IP networks have been added to InterBase to enable the connection to Paradox; there are also new Cobol and Fortran precompilers to InterBase for applications requiring embedded language support – Cobol is added for Data General Corp AViiON, Hewlett-Packard Co 9000/700, IBM Corp RS/6000 and Sparcsystem, Fortran for RS/6000; upgrades to InterBase 3.3 are free for existing customers on support contracts and Paradox SQL Link for InterBase costs $400; it requires Paradox 4.0, which costs $800.