New York-based Helix Software’s new Netroom 2.0, shipping in June, is fully compatible with MS-DOS 5 and Windows 3.0: it provides support for 8088 through 80486 personal computers and uses extended, expanded and High-DOS memory areas; Netroom 2.0 uses a suite of utilities to extract maximum usable memory from each system, supporting stand-alone and networked computers; Netswap adds a maximum of 576Kb of Expanded Memory and Netroom 2.0 includes Windows enhanced mode driver to enhances Netswap so that large networks can be loaded entirely into Expanded memory, while Windows operates in enhanced 80386 mode; XLoad incorporates Helix’s Frame Xtender which adds the 64Kb of EMS page frame memory to MS-DOS 5’s High-DOS memory; a single-user licence is $79; there are licences for 4, 10 and 50 users.