3Com Corp, San Jose, California has a demand-loadable Network File System for personal computers, providing end system connection to Unix servers. 3Com NFS with DPA 1.0 works with 3Com TCP 1.2 to link personal computers running MS-DOS or Windows 3.0 with Unix-based servers, and provides file and print sharing in a mixed network of MS-DOS and Unix systems. It is compatible with Novell Inc NetWare, Microsoft Corp LANmanager, its own 3+Open, and all Unix servers supporting Network File System. The Sun Microsystems protocol and Novell’s IPX can be loaded on demand into 3Com NFS using 3Com’s Demand Protocol Architecture, which ensures the most efficient use of available memory by enabling users to load and unload protocols as needed. 3Com NFS with DPA 1.0 is out this month for UKP125 for a single-user licence, UKP535 for 10 users, and UKP1,075 for 30.