In a move intended to protect the vestigial US flat panel display industry and certain to enrage the vast number of companies that are planning to build the things into their products, the US Commerce Department proposes to impose anti-dumping duties of 82.67% on active matrix liquid crystal diode displays imported from Japan. The duty would be imposed if the International Trade Commission decides – within 45 days that imports of the panels have hurt the US industry. IBM Corp, Compaq Computer Corp and Apple Computer Inc all opposed the move saying that no US companies could meet their requirements.The Commerce Department has decided against anti-dumping duties on the passive matrix liquid crystal diode displays – the well-nigh unreadable ones used in most lap-top and notebook computers today. The industry is moving to active matrix for its better quality, and critics say that anti-dumping duties will force US firms to manufacture offshore. Low duties were proposed for electroluminescent and plasma displays.