Apple Computer Inc has appointed RUIap to be its new independent marketing company or distributor for the former Soviet Union Region. RUIap is a US-owned company headed by James Guidy, who successfully established Technicke a Informacni Sluzby AS, the Apple independent marketing company in Czechoslovakia. The new company has an office, has begun hiring local staff and is currently formalising its relationships with existing Apple dealers. Guidy will now be responsible for the operations in both Russia and and Czechoslovakia. Apple is looking for a new Russian partner following this month’s decision by its Russian marketing partner Intermicro not to renew their agreement. Intermicro became the Apple USSR marketeer in July 1991 says it has now shipped Apple computer products to the value of $3m. Intermicro technical director Anatoly Karachinsky says the split was a unilateral decision and was based on fundamental differences of opinion about Russian market conditions. The company says it will continue to be an Apple distributor and use its dealers to sell Apple computers. Apple has approached other Moscow companies, apparently in search of a new independent marketing company. Vladislav Ulendeiev, director of the fast growing dealership Steepler, says he had been approached by Apple but would not comment until the separation between Intermicro and Apple was complete.