Montreal-based Teleglobe Inc’s Teleglobe Canada Inc unit says its board has approved Project Condominium, a co-operative venture with IDB Mobile Inc, Cable & Wireless Plc, Hong Kong Telecom Ltd and Morsviazsputnik, to provide the International Maritime Satellite Organisation’s new B & M digital mobile telecommunications services to Inmarsat service providers worldwide: Project Condominium involves provision of virtual earth stations and enables tenant carriers to have the full range of service and marketing capabilities previously available only to earth stations owners, at 10% of the cost of building their own facilities; world coverage will be provided via two dual earth stations that the five carriers are building – one in Canada and the other in Hong Kong – which will be linked by dedicated circuits, giving customers access to any of the four ocean regions from a convenient single point; Inmarsat B is a new service offering quality speech, telex and high speed 56Kbps-64Kbps – communications; the service is being introduced as an eventual replacement for the mainstay Inmarsat A analogue service, which has served the maritime and land mobile industries for more than a decade; and Inmarsat M is a new mobile service offering speech, low speed facsimile and data communications, to land and maritime markets, which uses smaller, lower priced terminals.