Sonus Networks has enhanced its Network Border Switch to allow customers target IP access services with voice over broadband and SIP business trunking markets.

Sonus said that the new Network Border Switch can be deployed with local policy and built-in session routing capability. This allows carriers to install the Network Border Switch in networks with less routing requirements and upgrade to a centralised routing architecture using the Sonus PSX Centralised Routing Server.

Sonus claims that the new switch normalise traffic flows by resolving incompatibilities between SIP peers and end points, and the carrier’s network. This capability is critical to carriers deploying IP business trunks to IP-PBXs, IADs and VOIP clients.

The new switch can automate the process to identify and isolate security threats and mis-configured end points before they impact the carrier’s network or degrade customer experience, the company said.

Shailin Sehgal, vice president of product management and marketing at Sonus Networks, said: The introduction of local policy management means that for the first time, the Sonus Network Border Switch will be able to act as a standalone network element with built-in call routing functionality – a key differentiator of Sonus architecture.

The Sonus Network Border Switch combines security, media switching and transcoding services in a single, scalable product.