Amdahl Corp is now shipping the Enhanced Performance Feature for its 5995M mainframes: the company claims that the feature can increase processing power by as much as 15%, and effectively creates eight performance levels in the 5995M line rather than just four; the performance boost is achieved in part by cutting the cycle time to 6.5nS and by using 25nS access time statics for main memory in place of the 35nS parts now used; the company says that with the clock wind-up and new memory, performance of the 5995-3550M triadic and 5995-4550M tetradic processors, which have been shipping since December, will increase by an average of 10% and 11% respectively and the 5995-6650M six-way and 5995-8650M eight-way multiprocessors, when Amdahl begins delivering them next quarter, will be improved by some 13% and 15% respectively; prices for the goose range from $1.39m on the triadic processor to $4.562m on the eight-way system; responding to IBM Corp, Amdahl also announced a 20% cut in US list prices for expanded storage and for additional increments of main store above base configuration levels on the 5995M, 5995A, and 5990 boxes.