In a move to strengthen its presence in the social networking segment, Yahoo has launched its microblogging platform, Meme in English. Earlier Meme was available in Spanish and Portuguese.

Similar to existing microblogging platforms such as Twitter, Tumblr and Pownce among others, Meme is also available on invite-only mode. After filling an invitation request and creating an account, users get an empty blog for micro-sharing text, images, music and videos. Users can fill their microblog with an avatar and a description of 100 characters and share it with their friends.

Similar to Twitter, users can also search for public accounts of other Meme users using the ‘Find’ option and ‘Follow them’ to receive their Meme updates. Users can create a comment thread below the content they post using the ‘Comment’ option.

It also allows users to repost the blogs of other users, which is similar to the ‘Reblog’ feature available in Tumblr. Similar to Twitter Trends, Meme features a ‘Popular’ option that shows Memes posted by users recently.

Earlier, Yahoo had launched Know Your Mojo service and SpotM, which have been closed down. SpotM, an Indian social networking service, was launched in September last year and was in its beta stage. Yahoo has previously closed two of its networking services, Yahoo 360 in July and Yahoo Mash in last summer. However, Yahoo is expected to launch another networking tool, Guru, but the details are not out yet.

A Yahoo spokesperson said, “After careful consideration, Yahoo will no longer offer SpotM, a communications service that we experimented with in India. Yahoo India has not given up on with the social networking concept and will now replace SpotM with Guru. Drawing from the experiences of Facebook, Yahoo will look to make a common theme in its social networking sites with minor adjustments for specific geographie.”