IBM Corp is getting merciless in the speed with which it dumps nonperforming products from its lineup, and has already killed off its Intel Corp 80860based PS/2 Wizard Adaptor and Wizard Adaptor Memory Expansion Option, and 80860 OS/2 and AIX Software Development Tools for C and Fortran: hurry, hurry they die on June 30. Also dead are all models and features of the 3044 Fibre Optics Channel Extender Link, which leave the catalogue in September. In the US, the company also cut prices on the PS/2 8580s 80386 machines: the 80Mb disk model falls by 8.7% to $4,210. The biggest A16 model is cut 16% to $7,300. Noone charges more for cables than IBM but it could be beginning to feel a little guilty about it the IBM Token-Ring Network Adaptor Cable Feature 2665, to be used with the IBM 6611 Network Processors, is cut by more than half to $36 from $75.