Sega Enterprises Ltd opened the first of its European entertainment centres yesterday at a hotel in Bournemouth better known for its attractions to the elderly than for its arcade-loving youth, but Sega aims to draw the whole family into the 24,000 square foot Segaland centre, not just teenage boys: the centre boasts the most modern of the high tech simulator games, including the R-360 one man flight simulator, servo assisted for instant reaction to the pilot’s moves, and there is linked Virtual Racing enabling eight players to race against each other; as Sega develops new kit Bournemouth will get the first of everything; Atari Corp games are also included; the next one will be Colindale, North London, with another every two months – Harrods department store has been tipped as a likely site; in 1994 Sega will open its first UKP15m high tech theme park in Osaka, Japan; it plans up to five parks in the UK.