In a country that sets great store by pieces of paper, it was fitting that electronic document information should be a theme of the exhibition. Sistemi Informativi SpA, based in Milan, was set up in 1976. It concentrated initially on software development and then branched out into application software packages, systems management, systems integration, consultancy and training. IBM Italia SpA has had a small shareholding in the company since 1989. Sistemi’s image document management software programme works with Microsoft Corp’s Windows 3.0 and IBM’s OS/2 and Presentation Manager. Marco Rasi, the marketing manager, spoke of the war between Windows 3.0 and OS/2, but felt that Windows 3.0 was winning in the popularity stakes. He is planning an English language version and has presented the prototype to IBM Benelux in Brussels. The software is general and can manage all types of archives, images, notes and texts. It has been used to catalogue over 110,000 prints owned by the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica.