A new digital currency has been launched which allows everyone to earn money simply by walking around.

Bitwalking dollars are a new currency which is generated by human movement. A smartphone app will count and verify the users steps as they get paid for moving.

The free app converts steps to Bitwalking dollars (BW$) which remains in users account until transferred or spent.

Users will also have an opportunity to trade money with each other, to make purchases at Bitwalking’s marketplace, and to connect with their third party partners.

Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi are the founders of the project. They have attracted over £6.6m of initial funding mainly from Japanese investors.

Japanese electronic company Murata is working on a wearable wristband as an alternate option to carry a smartphone and show how many BW$ the wearer has earned.

BBC has reported that shoe manufacturers, a UK high street bank are negotiating to partner with the project at one of the country’s biggest music festivals next year.

The project intends to reduce pollution, unlike other digital currencies that are mined by computers and have carbon footprint.