IBM Corp and VideoLogic Ltd, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire will present the pin-out, and electrical signal specifications of their jointly developed video graphics chips (CI No 1,953) to the top 10 or 12 personal computer companies at the start of January: big names include Compaq Computer Corp, Dell Computer Corp, Ing C Olivetti & Co and Siemens AG; various unnamed companies have already said they will use the products, but the presentation is aimed at rallying further support; the ten chips, still at the production stage, will not be available till March, and volume production will start mid-1993; companies have two options – they can either license the technology and manufacture chips themselves or buy them ready-made; estimated pricing is similar to that of existing graphics co-processors; research and development costs have been split roughly 50-50 between the two companies, but VideoLogic is contributing its expertise in video and compression processors, and IBM its expertise in graphics chips.