Litigatious Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc, Norcross, Georgia is again reaching for its lawyer, with the object of its ire this time being Tandy Corp. It has filed a patent infringement suit against Tandy and 10 other companies, contending that all 11 manufacture and sell Hayes-compatible modems, which the company says is illegal without a licence from Hayes. Hayes is seeking a court order forcing the companies to stop infringing on the patent, and unspecified damages. The others named in the suit are AMT International Industries Inc, Huntington Beach, California; Angia Corp, Provo, Utah; Best Data Products Inc, Chatsworth, Californi; Cermetek Microelectronics Inc, Sunnyvale, California.; Computer Peripherals Inc, Newbury Park, California; General Datacomm Industries Inc, Middlebury, Connecticut.; Global Village Communication Inc, Mountain View, California; Penril Datacommunications Networks Inc, Gaithersburg, Maryland; Shiva Corp, Burlington, Massachusetts; and Supra Corp, of Albany, Oregon.