National Semiconductor Corp has won Toshiba Corp as a CMOS development partner and will put its Israeli chip shop into a joint venture with locals. Despite already being a 50-50 shareholder on semiconductor fabrication in Japan with Motorola Inc, Toshiba Corp has signed with NatSemi for joint development of about 70 types of high-speed CMOS parts. The companies hope to complete the development by around September next year. Both companies will market the parts resulting from the development effort. In Israel, NatSemi has agreed to work with the Association of Electronics Industries and the government to establish a consortium of local electronic companies for semiconductor fabrication in Migdal Haemek, Israel. The company clearly wants to disengage from its Israeli plant and says the joint venture aims to develop a stand-alone, independent semiconductor business. Israeli companies will hold 54.1%, the government gets 26%, and NatSemi an unconsolidated 19.9%.