Test driving a car in augmented reality could soon become reality in Volvo showrooms.

The car manufacturer is working with Microsoft to bring the tech giant’s Hololens augmented reality to Volvo showrooms, to demonstrate things such as safety features and car customisation, as well as take test drives. Customers in the mock show room can also walk all around the car.

Bloomberg reports that Volvo’s new S90 was used to demonstrate the tool in Microsoft’s HQ, and that the product will be properly revealed to the public at the Detroit Auto Show.

The tool features full-size three-dimensional holograms of the car, cross-sections of its parts, and a holographic test-drive to show off vehicle’s semi-autonomous driving system and its safety features.

Augmented reality means safety features such as automatic stopping to avoid collisions can be better demonstrated – the hologram shows the car stopping to avoid another vehicle that has stalled and swerving around ice.

Volvo is Microsoft’s first automotive partner for HoloLens. Developer kits will be available early in 2016, at a cost of $3,000.