Retix Inc, Santa Monica, California has launched a gateway that provides Microsoft Mail users with access to electronic mail systems based on the X400 standard, enhanced its Net-work Management Center product to include support for SunNet manager and added SNMP to its mid-range bridge, the 2265. The Microsoft Mail product is available for Macintosh users straightaway, but MSDOS personal computer users will have to wait until the fourth quarter. The gateway links users to various X400 implementations including other local net-based products, mainframe and mini-based systems and public and private X400 services. It is part of Retix’s Openserver 400 programme, whereby the company is working on proprietary electronic mail software so that they work with its X400-based message server – this then enables the proprietary systems to be converted via a gateway to the X400 standard. The Microsoft Mail gateway enables users to transparently send and receive mail to and from mainframe-based systems such as IBM Corp’s Profs and Digital Equipment Corp All-In-1, as well as public mail systems such as SprintMail, AT&T Mail and MCI Mail. Microsoft Mail users can also use the Gateway and OpenServer 400 to communicate with other electronic mail systems in the same local net, including cc:Mail, Da Vinci Mail, Novell NetWare MHS, QuickMail and WordPerfect Mail.
SNMP added to bridge
Retix’s OpenServer 400, which is needed to operate the gateway, runs on an 80386 personal computer under MSDOS. The Macintosh version of the gateway would be installed on a Macintosh-based Microsoft Mail server and run in background mode. Retix’s 5025 Network Management Center which runs on a Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstation, now incorporates Version 1.1 of SunNet Manager, with, says the company, SunNet’s advanced graphics and configuration capabilities. When it was launched last October, the product came with a SunNet Version 1.0 licence and documentation. SunNet is Sun’s multivendor management line, aimed at encompassing and controlling multi-vendor, distributed computing environment by interfacing to existing management systems and providing control based on standards. The 5025 manages Retix internetworking products and, with SunNet, devices in multivendor nets. In addition to the new version 1.1 features, Retix announced that a model of the 5025 without the SunNet Manager software will now be available. The 5025 Network Management Center including application software, a SunNet Manager version 1.1 licence, is priced at $10,950, while the unbundled 5024 version is $5,950. In addition, the company said that it has added SNMP capability to its mid-range local bridge, the 2265. Called the 2265M/S, it can interoperate with Retix’s entire line of SNMP-based bridges and routers – all of which can be managed by the 5025 Network Management Center. The 2265M/S is priced at $2,950, with upgrade kits for existing 2265M products priced at $250. Both the 2265M/S and the upgrade kit are available now.