Kranem has signed an agreement to acquire Adora ICT, a company specialised in evaluating data and systems security risks and recommending appropriate offerings.

Adora anticipates that the acquisition will provide Kranem with an important presence in the Italian data security and analysis market.

Kranem’s primary product, InteliCENTER, is an actionable intelligence platform that facilitates the investigation and decision making process of government and law enforcement agencies and it acquires, correlates and analyses large volumes of data received from varied information sources and provides intelligence to proactively counter criminal activities.

InteliANALYZER conducts analysis of curated digital data and provides law enforcement and intelligence agencies with proactive intelligence. It offers focussed investigative techniques for specific criminal activities and conducts real-time and historical analysis.

InteliCURATOR acquires and analyses a variety of disparate data sources and InteliSTRATEGIZER produces configurable periodic reports for automatic pattern identification and recognition, social network analysis, trend analysis, dashboard monitoring, alarms and alerts to law enforcement agencies.

InteliRETENTION is an integrated data retention offering built for the exact application of acquiring, storing and retrieving massive amounts of call detail records (CDRs) and internet protocol detail records (IPDRs) for law enforcement agency (LEA) requests.

Kranem CEO Ajay Batheja said Kranem believes that the combination of its homeland security products with Adora’s technical expertise and solid customer base will be of benefit to both businesses.

" Kranem Corporation is a leading provider of digital security products and services driven by its InteliCENTER module, which provides an adaptive data analysis tool and dashboard that interacts with its supporting modules: InteliANALYZER, InteliSTRATEGIZER, InteliRETENTION, and InteliCURATOR. The supporting modules are described in more details below. Kranem’s homeland security products provide solutions to law enforcement agencies and the homeland security agencies in India, Africa and some other Asian countries. "We believe this acquisition will provide a strong opportunity to introduce Kranem’s homeland security products to the European law enforcement," said Batheja.