Although Apple Computer Inc’s new Macintosh Quadras can be used as servers, they have clearly been designed as standard all-round machines, witness for example the upgraded video RAM aiming it at the graphic workstation market. This begs the question – will people want to use these high-powered machines as file servers, or will they be tempted to choose an alternative such as NetWare with its Appletalk NetWare Loadable Module, or the new Microsoft Corp or Banyan Systems Inc offerings? The key to that question lies in the nature of the network operating system that the Quadras will be running. In the past AppleShare has been a dedicated network operating system, with only a limited ability to run specialised applications. However the combination of AppleShare Server 3 and System 7 means that the server can now run other applications concurrently. This does not mean, says Steve Everhard, marketing manager for networks and communications, that the Quadras will be generally used as file servers and end-user machines at the same time: We intend (Appleshare Server 3) as a dedicated server he said. Instead he believes that the Quadras will use AppleShare’s new capabilities to run back-end database server applications, linked to client applications though, for example Apple’s Database Access Language, extensions to the client application or HyperCard extensions. Apart from its ability to multi-task properly, AppleShare has been upgraded to cope with larger workgroups and departments including centralised shared storage for up to 120 concurrent users and queued access for up to five network printers. AppleShare Server 3.0 costs UKP900 with upgrade prices for existing users on application. The new AppleTalk Remote Access an extension to System 7 gives a Macintosh user dial-up to all desktop and network resources using a modem. The product includes five levels of security. Apple has also now given details of its AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol, a set of specifications for the software developer that wants to create remote access servers compatible with AppleTalk. Remote Access Protocol specs are available for $30 and the AppleTalk Remote Access extension costs UKP160. When will we see the new ISDN NuBus board in the UK? Apple’s Everhard is disparaging about the approvals procedure for ISDN voice devices in the UK, calling it impossible, while getting approval for data devices is difficult. On top of that he says that the ISDN roll-out in the UK is slow. Consequently the ISDN board will appear first in France and then in Germany.