A judge from the US International Trade Commission (ITC) ruled that Motorola Mobility, the company to be acquired by Google, infringed one of Microsoft’s patents.

According to Reuters, the judge found that Motorola had used Microsoft’s patented technology–which enables users to schedule meetings via mobile devices–in the making of its Android-based mobile phones.

However, the judge ruled out that Motorola violated six other patents that were stated in the complaint filed in October 2010.

Meanwhile, according to Motorola, the ruling is preliminary and needs approval by the full six-member Commission. A final decision is expected by April 20, 2012 and then the decision will be subject to a 60-day review period by the Obama administration.

Microsoft deputy general counsel David Howard said that they were pleased with the ITC’s initial determination. "As Samsung, HTC, Acer and other companies have recognized, respecting others’ intellectual property through licensing is the right path forward," said Howard.

As Microsoft praised the decision, Motorola too said it was pleased with the outcome.