Customer privacy firm TASCET has introduced Cyber ICONN, a digital representation of an individual’s unique characteristics used to assert identity online and in a mobile world, protecting the privacy and security of the consumer.

Through TASCET’s Identity Infrastructure, Cyber ICONN enables initial identification and ongoing verification for consumers of digital wallets and other mobile transactions.

Once the customer’s Cyber ICONN is confirmed by TASCET upon the purchase of a smartphone, computer or tablet, the ICONN can be used as an alternative to personal information like birthdays or Social Security numbers for future verification. When customers choose to purchase goods or perform a transaction using the internet, they simply provide their Cyber ICONN for real-time verification.

For organisations and businesses, the Cyber ICONN prepares them for impending regulations in the most cost-effective and least disruptive way possible and provides a marketing benefit by allowing them to claim that they are the most secure provider when it comes to privacy and identity fraud.

In addition, Cyber ICONN reduces waiting time for customer service as the customers do not have to go through the tedious process of re-establishing identity before making changes of decisions on an account and it decreases costs associated with fraud such as unpaid bills, false device insurance claims and devices that are jail broken and sold on the black market.

For consumers, the Cyber ICONN protects consumers from identity fraud and allows users to remain anonymous and in control of their identity and privacy for e-commerce, banking or accessing websites.

TASCET Cyber and Financial markets Business Development director Noah Kunin-Goldsmith said smartphones are very similar to computers and have all the same security challenges that exist on a computer.

"The problem is that most consumers still think of them as only phones and treat them as such. Most people don’t use security software and have exposed personal information on their phones," said Kunin-Goldsmith.