Beginning from January, Microsoft will begin automatically updating the latest versions of their browsers to the users of Internet Explorer.

In its ‘Exploring IE blog,’ Microsoft said the automatic updates will help improve security online because users would always be at the most updated version of the web browser.

Statistics gathered by Microsoft have revealed that many web scams take place when vulnerabilities in unpatched software such as outdated web servers are taken advantage of, which make it necessary for users to have updated browsers when they are surfing online.

Those who did not want their browser updated have the option not go for it or they can uninstall the software, according to the company.

Ryan Gavin, general manager of business and marketing for Internet Explorer said in a blog that the Web overall is better – and safer – when more people run the most up-to-date browser.

Users of Windows XP will automatically be upgraded to Internet Explorer 8, while Windows 7 and Vista users to Internet Explorer 9.