According to findings from a global study launched by TNS, a Kantar company and part of WPP, businesses are wasting time and money trying to reach people online without understanding that many do not like big brands invading their social networks.

The findings were revealed by TNS’s Digital Life study, a study of more than 72,000 consumers in 60 countries behaviour online.

It found that 57% in developed markets do not want like the idea of engaging with brands via social media, which is pegged at 60% in the US and 61% in the UK. It finds that misguided digital strategies are generating heaps of digital waste, from friendless Facebook accounts to blogs no one visits. The study shows 47% of digital consumers now comment about brands online.

Although 54% say social networks are a good place to learn about products, the research shows brands must harness digital more strategically if they are to leverage it and reach out to more customers and prospects.

TNS chief development officer Matthew Froggatt says winning and keeping customers is harder than ever, "The online world undoubtedly presents massive opportunities for brands, however it is only through deploying precisely tailored marketing strategies that they will be able to realise this potential. Choosing the wrong channel, or simply adding to the cacophony of online noise, risks alienating potential customers and impacting business growth," Froggatt states.