Soon you won’t be able to hear the ticket collector at all when he comes round while you’re listening to your personal stereo: Stamford, Connecticut-based Noise Cancellation Technologies Inc says it is ready to deliver NoiseBuster, the first consumer audio headset which reduces noise electronically: the $150 device is a lightweight personal headset connected to a 2.8 by 3.4 by 1.1 controller – just bigger than a cigarette pack, that clips to a user’s clothing or belt; the headset can be used alone for those craving silence, as well as with personal stereo devices; it monitors the unwanted noise electronically through the earcups of the headset, feeds it in real time to the controller for analysis, which responds by issuing the same sound diametrically out of phase; it is claimed to reduce unwanted noise by 50% to 95% – and all we want now is a reverse version that goes on the outside of the headset and eliminates the tinkling treble.