Arccom Management Systems Inc, the US distributor of Software Ireland Ltd’s Unibol environment for migrating IBM Corp System/36 applications to Unix, is to be acquired by UniComp Inc, which will pay an initial 5m new UniComp shares up-front and up to 10m more depending on the results of an independent evaluation within the next six weeks; and if Arccom reaches pre-set profit targets, its shareholders could earn up to an additional 10m bonus shares; the independent valuation is expected to show that Arccom is worth $3.5m to $5m based on projected revenues of $5m in 1992 and $9m in 1993, with pre-tax earnings of 15% to 20% forecast; as well as Unibol, Arccom sells office automation data retrieval software, and various Unix computers, including IBM’s RS/6000; UniComp, a diversified holding company, aims to grow by US and foreign acquisition.