IBM has opened its first European site in Romania for developing and testing IBM switch and networking hardware and software.

The IBM Bucharest Systems Laboratory will leverage the company’s 2010 acquisition of Blade Network Technologies and work to bulletproof IBM’s products, such as IBM Networking Operation System and IBM VMready software.

Romania’s Communications & Information Society Minister Valerian Vreme said the opening of IBM’s Bucharest Systems Laboratory is a significant milestone in the strong partnership between Romania and IBM.

IBM said the new 100 square-meter raised floor laboratory will house more than 125 highly skilled engineers and strengthen IBM software products through technology deployment and software development, code writing and testing, and bug fixing.

The lab will also perform rigorous quality assurance testing in customer-replicated topologies, and enhance IBM’s virtualisation capabilities in its switches, as well as their ability to manage and optimise diverse workloads.

IBM Bucharest Systems Laboratory director Andrew Currier said the new lab is an example of excellent product development capabilities that combine unique skills with state of the art technology, tools, and processes

"I am looking forward to working with our strong team of engineers to take on projects that meet and exceed ever-changing client demands," Currier said.

The establishment of the lab follows IBM’s acquisition Clarity Systems in 2010 in Bucharest and both facilities intend to work together to deliver solutions that are optimised to manage customers’ explosive data growth.

IBM Romania country general manager Bogdan Balaci said they are confident that the new IBM Bucharest System Laboratory will help IBM clients grow faster and become more competitive.