Sun Microsystems Inc is to announce the expected kickers for its low-end IPC and SLC systems on July 22 at the Sun Expo show in the US; the UK launch will be simultaneous. The 25MHz Sparc RISC-based IPC launched last year is expected to be replaced by a 33MHz CPU box, with on-board GX graphics, 16Mb to 64Mb RAM, Sbus slots and a 19 monochrome monitor. Meanwhile problems with Sun’s Galaxy multi-processing effort, which was originally also expected next month, but was reported to have slipped to later this year or early next, continue. According to Computer Systems News, Sun has had problems running internally-developed multi-processing software on top of the SunOS Unix kernel, and is also re-working the hardware after it failed to best performance ratings of Hewlett-Packard Co’s uniprocessor HP9000 Series 700 Snake workstations: Sun said that a multi-processing announcement is still on course for this year.