In an attempt to convince users that vendors can work together, Pyramid Technology Ltd, Oracle UK, Sun Microsystems and Ingres UK have formed an interoperability consortium, resulting in the setting up of a client-server configuration at the newly opened Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte Open Systems Centre in London. Pyramid has supplied a MIServer 2S running Data Centre OSx, Pyramid’s version of Unix System V.4, along with Oracle and Ingres database software. The accountancy firm is also installing Oracle CASE, Oracle financials and Ingres’ Windows 4GL at the front end. Client machines are MS-DOS micros and Sun Sparcstation IPX’s. Coopers has integrated the new hardware and software with its IBM Corp mainframe using its existing DECnet network. Set up at a cost of #500,000 contributed by the accountants and the consortium, it is seen as a long-term project to introduce staff, clients and other interested parties to open systems. Pyramid said that it will continue to concentrate on high-end systems, claiming that the low-end market was now saturated by Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG and Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA.