Worldwide document solutions software revenues will grow from $3.4bn in 2010 to $5.5bn in 2015, according to a new study by International Data Corporation (IDC).

IDC program director digital imaging solutions and services Ron Glaz stated that software designed to incorporate documents into a more streamlined business workflow represents tremendous opportunity over the four years.

Glaz said, "This market will experience unprecedented growth as users demand more effective device management, paper to digital document management, and output management."

The IDC study, entitled Worldwide and U.S. Document Solutions 2011-2015 Forecast, said worldwide, mobile printing solution software will grow from $68.3m in 2010 to $1bn in 2015, a 71.2% compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

Authentication, authorisation, and security software revenues are all set to experience double-digit growth rates through the forecast period, says IDC.

According to the research firm, the worldwide paper/digital document management solutions segment continues to be the largest in dollars.

The IDC study sees networked hardcopy peripherals (hardwire or wireless) and mobile devices putting additional strain on IT for secure monitoring and management.

Output management vendors will further automate their output management solutions using process standards in order to increase IT organisations’ flexibility, the report says.