Boole & Babbage Inc says the Boole & Babbage Intercommunication Facility Release 3.1.0, the underlying distributed systems management technology for the Sunnyvale, California-based company’s products, is now available: it is designed with three separate dimensions – End Use, Application and Data – to conform with frameworks such as IBM Corp’s SystemView and the Open Software Foundation’s Distributed Management Environment, and incorporates relational and object-oriented technologies, and was the product that caused IBM to sign Boole to help with development of SystemView-conforming systems management products for CICS in January 1991; the first product in support of the new technology, MV Manager for MVS, is also available and new versions of CMF Monitor and Net/Avail will be added later in the summer; MV Manager for MVS is claimed to be the first MVS performance monitor to enable users to meet service level demands through application-focused monitoring; it supports IBM’s Sysplex environment, and prices for it start at $19,700.