Larry Ellison, president of Oracle Systems Corp, the company itself and sales vice-president Craig Ramsey are the targets of one of those sad suits that regrettably arise when people’s working and emotional lives become too entangled: skipping the salacious details (c’mon, you can read them elsewhere if you must), Adelyn Lee, former marketing co-ordinator, is alleging unfair dismissal, claiming she was fired five days after she told Ellison their 18-month affair was over; Ellison issued a strongly-worded statement saying Oracle believes that the facts of the case will clearly show that the lawsuit has been a carefully planned attempt to extort money from Oracle Corp efforts which included Ms Lee’s forging electronic mail under the name of her direct supervisor, Mr Craig Ramsey, of USA commercial sales at Oracle; while Mr Ellison saw Ms Lee occasionally outside of the workplace, the character of the relationship and the events described in Ms Lee’s complaint are fictitious inventions designed to smear Mr. Ellison, Oracle said, adding that Ellison was not involved in the decision to dismiss her.