Micro Focus Dialog System for AD/Cycle

The Newbury, Berkshire-based Micro Focus’ Cobol/2 Workbench products offer AD/Cycle Level 2 integration features, and also new is the Dialog System, a Human Interface Management System for creating graphical or character-based application user interfaces portable to multiple environments. Micro Focus Cobol/2, an SAA Cobol product for the OS/2 environment, and the compiler included in Micro Focus Cobol/2 Workbench, implement the SAA Common Programming Interface definition of Cobol. The new products run on either OS/2 or MS-DOS on the PS/2, XT or the AT. The Cobol/2 Workbench family is said to offer complementary functionality with AD/Cycle CODE/370 and software configuration and Library Manager support. Prototyping, development, and execution of user interfaces is provided by the HIMS in the Dialog System, and the Micro Focus Animator provides visual debugging. There is host emulation with the CICS and IMS options, and 370 Assembler products, and this this support enables transparent access to mainframe data and code. The Dialog System is available November 1, and AD/Cycle Integration Features on Cobol/2 ships May 29, 1992.

CSP/Application Development Enabler

CSP/Application Development Enabler Programmable Workstation is published and licensed by K-C Computer Services Inc, and as usual, marketed by the IBM Co-operative Software Program. It is an AD/Cycle tool set designed to work with CSP/ADE and consists of two components. CSP/ADE PWS Application Models are a set of re-usable, pre-coded applications that support one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many entity relationships. The CSP/ADE PWS Development Functions are a set of pre-compiled subroutines that provide programmers with capabilities like string and data manipulation, and editing. CSP/ADE PWS can import a CSP/ADE Application Model into a CSP/ADE PWS Member Specification Library and once testing is complete, the application will be exported in external source format to the host machine and checked into the project using CSP/ADE’s Enabling toolset. CSP/ADE PWS runs on the PS/2 and will be available December 27, 1991.

KnowledgeWare ADW for AD/Cycle

KnowledgeWare Inc’s ADW family of software engineering products are the company’s latest input to the AD/Cycle framework, and the two new products are the Application Development Workbench/RAD Workstation and Application Development Workbench/Documentation Workstation. The first offers iterative prototyping, object-oriented screen definition and the generation of application design objects, while the ADW/DOC Workstation creates and manages documentation for ADW-based projects. KnowledgeWare is also announcing new releases of its ADW family that incorporate new functions for integration with AD/Cycle. The ADW Workstation products run on the PS/2 under OS/2 while ADW/MVS and ADW/REF run on a System/370 processor under MVS TSO/E. ADW/RAD 1.6.02 and ADW/DOC 1.6.02 will be available September 20, December 27 for ADW/MVS 1.5.02 and February 14, 1992 for ADW/MVS 1.6.02. Release 2.7.01 of ADW/Planning, Analysis, Design, RAD and DOC Workstations, ADW/Cross System Product Enablement Facility and ADW/Repository Enablement Facility ship March 27, June 26 for ADW/MVS 2.7.01, while ADW/RAD and ADW/DOC 1.6.01 are out.

Intersolv Products for AD/Cycle

Intersolv Inc is a member of the IBM International Alliance for the AD/Cycle framework and the products being announced are part of the Excelerator Series, Design Recovery Series and and the PVCS Series for Configuration Management. The Excelerator Series provides life-cycle support, from planning to coding, and there are capabilities to design, analyse, document or redevelop existing systems. The Excelerator Series is based on Intersolv’s local network repository, information model, user interface and underlying set of facilities. They are said to offer a direct, two-way exchange of data with Repository Manager/MVS using the LAN Repository Gateway. LAN Library support for AD/Cycle is available with selected PVCS Series in conjunction with SA

A AD/Cycle WorkStation Platform/2. The PVCS products are PVCS Version Manager 4.0, Configuration Builder 4.0, WorkStation Platform/2 Interface and LAN Library Gateway. PVCS Version Manager 4.0 provides software version control and PVCS Configuration Builder 4.0 provides configuration management software. The WorkStation Platform/2 Interface is said to provide distributed configuration management across multiple environments, while the LAN Library Gateway provides a gateway to AD/Cycle library management facilities. Excelerator Series and the Design Recovery Series run on the PS/2 under OS/2 and are used for the design of software that will run under MVS, OS/2 or other systems. Supported local area networks include LAN Server and Novell Inc’s NetWare 386 and NetWare 286. Token-Ring and Ethernet topologies are supported. The Excelerator Series, LAN Repository Gateway, Design Recovery and PVCS LAN Library Gateway products will be available March 27, 1992, while the PVCS WorkStation Platform/2 Interface, PVCS Configuration Builder 4.0, and PVCS Version Manager 4.0 shipped on September 20 this year.

VS Fortran Version 2 Release 5 Additions

VS Fortran Version 2 Release 5.0 now enables users to address larger data areas via a new function called Extended Common by placing these blocks in ESA Data Spaces. Extended Common enables each dynamically allocated common block to be as large as 2Gb, and support for this function in MVS/ESA is available now. VS Fortran Version 2.5.0 is designed to provide Virtual Storage Constraint Relief when running under MVS/XA, MVS/ESA or running in an XA virtual machine under VM/XA, VM/ESA 1.0 or 1.1 or in an XC virtual machine under VM/ESA 1.1 by enabling the compiler to reside above the 16Mb line and execute in 31-bit addressing mode.

APL2, APL2 Application Environment Version 2 Release 1

APL2 Version 2 supports co-operative processing among TCP/IP-connected MVS and VM systems, and it can access non-APL network applications, distribute data via access to new releases of SQL/DS and DB2 and access MVS/ESA data windows. Also, it supports additional interlanguage communication facilities, including calls to and from APL2 functions from C/370, OS PL/I and REXX TSO/E. Compatibility with APL2 products on PC-DOS and AIX/6000 systems includes common full-screen and APL file access. Release 1 will be available March 27 1992.