Chips & Technologies Inc, San Jose, has decided that the iAPX-86 microprocessor market is getting too crowded, and rather than go head to head with Intel Corp and what is becoming a horde of clonemakers, it has decided to redirect its Super386 design to the single chip processor and embedded control markets. The company says that although the Super386 microprocessors and SuperMath co-processors are in volume production and continue to gain market share, no further discrete iAPX-86-compatible microprocessor announcements are planned. The company announced its PC/CHIP single chip personal computer – the processor core and all the glue logic – last September and says to is now in production and going to OEM customers worldwide. This family and associated derivatives will now become the focus of the company’s development efforts. PC/CHIP derivative technologies under development include integrated VGA solutions, 32-bit class processors, embedded controllers, and specialised compute engines. It says it remains committed to the Super386DX microprocessor and SuperMath co-processor product lines but will not now turn the Super38600SX and Super38605SX into products, and instead will design the cores into future single chip products. The SuperMath 38700SX and 38700DX, Super38600DX and Super38605DX products are all in volume production. It expects future sales and design wins for these products and there are no plans to discontinue any of them.