Alcatel NV’s Alcatel Data Networks has previewed a forthcoming Asynchronous Transfer Mode switch dubbed the Alcatel 1100 HSS. It is claimed to use a high-speed banyan-switching matrix to interconnect ATM, Frame Relay, HDLC and SDLC and Switched Multi-megabit Data Services traffic via Asynchronous Transfer Mode adaptation. While Alcatel claims that this banyan-switching is inherently superior to bus or shared-memory architecture, no-one at the company was available to say precisely what the technology is. The switch is intended for use in enterprise networks, on a stand-alone basis in low volume carrier telephone exchanges, or as a subscriber services system at the access layer in high volume central exchanges. It is said to support up to 29 ports at speeds from 64Kbps-155Mbps, and Alcatel says that the Asynchronous Transfer Mode technology will be adapted into an upgrade broadband module for the its 1100 TPX and 1100 PSX packet and Frame Relay switch families. As well as conforming to Asynchronous Transfer, Frame Relay and SMDS standards, the 1100 HSS is said to be SNMP-compliant, while the user interface is a Unix workstation. It is available now for beta testing, and is to be released in Europe this month with US availability early next year. Prices will range from $40,000 to $100,000.