Systems Union Ltd, London N has managed to do what it should have done years ago by putting Structured Query Language functionality into its accounting software. The company has developed a function enabling its SunSystems software products to save data in Novell Inc’s Btrieve format, and has called the new option Sunlink/Btrieve. The company has built a Data Dictionary, giving third party developers access to SunSystems file formats, which means that data can be accessed from third party applications directly without importing or exporting. Third party applications wanting to query the system using SQL should be running with NetWare SQL, said the company, while Btrieve is included with Novell NetWare itself. The module enabling Systems Union products to link into Btrieve is priced at UKP3,800 while the products themselves range in price from UKP2,600 up to about UKP200,000.