IBM Corp will make anything for anyone these days, and we hear that on Monday, Inmac Corp, the big Santa Clara, California computer accessories and supplies marketer Inmac Corp, which sells its products from a catalogue, will announce that IBM is to make a new line of personal computers to be sold as Inmac Insignia through the Inmac catalogue. Moreover IBM is to build the machines to order at its Austin Industrial Business Center, part of its manufacturing campus in the Texas capital – so that Inmac avoids any warehousing or surplus stock problems, which must be borne by IBM. IBM says it is excited at the chance to provide configured-to-order systems to an OEM customer including whatever preinstalled software is requested. There will be four models, based on the 33MHz 80486, and clock-doubled 50MHz and 66MHz versions, plus one model using IBM’s own 486SLC 50MHz chip.